System update - V24.04

Hi All,

Another month has passed, so it's time for another update. Once again, this is a smaller update focused on smaller fixes. Be sure you stay up-to-date on all our updates, big or small, and never miss out on the latest information. Read all about update V24.04 in this blog!

New financial features in our golf booking software


With the ProAgenda booking system, it's now possible to enable automated invoicing for your clients. By activating this function, all your bookings that include an online payment receive an automated invoice. On top of that, you can activate automated VAT calculation in your pricing as well.


The raw appointment data will also include 'other' appointments form now on. The raw appointment data previously did not show appointments marked as other. We noticed many professionals were using this appointment type and, therefore, wanted to add this to the raw appointment data to enhance the reporting tool.

Fixes to our online golf management software

Some smaller problems and bugs were fixed in this update. These are listed down below:

  • Notes show in export again
  • Overlap bookings with external appointments is fixed
  • Clicking on clients 'upcoming appointment' will now navigate to the appointment
  • The issue with creating new availability is now fixed
  • The issue with the package balance is fixed
  • The issue where bookings did not show directly on the client side is now fixed
  • A booking confirmation is now sent after a successful payment
  • Fixed the issue where payment methods are not selectable
  • The icons have returned
  • some more minor fixes and improvements


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