1. Go to _Menu_ on the top left of your screen
2. Click on _Settings_
3. Click on _Availability_
4. This page will show your location and availability
5. This article assumes that there is already a location on the list, if this is not the case please go to the article: “How do I set op my locations and availability?”
6. To add an additional location click on _ New_
7. Select a country and a location
8. If your Location is not available, click on _If your location is not in the list, create a new location_ . If your location is available, skip to step 11
10. Click on _Add_
12. Click on your availability period
13. If you have not set up a availability period, please go to article: “How do I set op my locations and availability?”
Now open one of your availability periods
14. To switch between the different locations click on one of the locations in the availability period
15. Select the days and times you are available on this location. These setings are saved automatically. You can do this with your other location as well
16. When you are done, Click on _Close_