In this article we give you an overview and what settings there are available in the agenda settings and how to change them.
1. Go to _Menu_ on the top left of your screen
2. Click on _Settings_
3. Click on _Agenda settings_
4. Fill in your agenda name (This is the name that will show in people's browser when opening your agenda)
5. Click the boxes of the booking settings you prefer
- Render booked as unavailable (Do not show difference between booked an unavailable slots)
- Members can cancel (Allow your clients to cancel appointments online)
- Restrict future bookings (Allow clients to only book for a certain period in the future)
6. Select an _Agenda box size_ (What timeslots will your schedule work with)
7. Select an _Default agenda language_
8. Select an _Start time_ (Time from which your agenda starts to show, This is not availability!)
9. Select an _End time_ (Time from which your agenda stops showing)
10. Click on _European Date formatting_ for European notation (dd/mm/yy)
11. Click on _Time format_ to switch from AM/PM to 24-hour time
12. Click on _ European Decimal symbol format_ to switch form the US system to the EU system
13. Click on _birthday notifications_ to switch the notifications on or off
14. Click on _ appear on client search_ to switch your appearance in our search on or off
15. Select an agenda you want to synchronize your proAgenda with.
16. Click on _save_